filip custic’s solo show ‘pq hacemos lo q hacemos?’ is now open at Museo Cerralbo as part of the PHotoESPAÑA 24 programme. Until 29 September 2024.

The walls of the Museo Cerralbo are far from being the snowy-white, light, boundless surfaces that contemporary exhibition spaces tend to offer. This space, articulated by hundreds of voices frozen in canvases, busts, sculptures, medallions and cabinets, is where filip custic is acting.
The artist is offering an accelerated journey through his past on the museum’s walls, with a retrospective that surveys his entire oeuvre. filip custic is thus reflected on the walls, and recalling paths already taken, he once again scratches the wounds he got along the way. His neo-baroque compositions, detailed and brimming with data, intoxicate the galleries while respectfully camouflaging the story of the space. The history of the venue, porous and in motion, is thus harbouring a liquid, affective body of work which seeps in through the chinks and keyholes of a place that welcomes him.
The exhibition is rounded out with a new piece. The Museo Cerralbo’s Dance Hall, where patrician music used to play and the guests’ heels used to clatter on the floor, now houses filip custic’s latest work: a venous bust where the effigy’s bronze has been liquified to bring other bodies to life. The artist thus questions the survival of monumental logics and asserts other ways of acting.
This show reaffirms a museum’s ability to listen not only in its present and past but also in contemporary time and within its milieu. The space embraces the exhibition as the artist visits an interstice replete with possibilities, far from a tourist’s logic.
Organized by Ministerio de Cultura, Museo Cerralbo, SOLO Contemporary and PHotoESPAÑA.
Museo Cerralbo
Ventura Rodríguez, 17
Monday – Saturday 09:30-15:00
Thursday 17:00-20:00
Sunday and public holidays 10:00-15:00